What is Mangools SEO?

 What is Mangools SEO?

Mangools 2022 Review: Should You Purchase This SEO Tool?

Hello and welcome to my Mangools SEO review.

This review will teach you about Mangools and how it may help you expand your internet business.

We'll go over the benefits and drawbacks. I cover the positive stuff, but I also reveal the negative stuff.

You'll also learn about one specific Mangools tool that I believe is a waste of time to use. In addition, there are four other tools that can produce excellent outcomes.

Does that make sense? Let's get this party started:

What exactly is Mangools SEO?

Mangools is an SEO software that bills itself as a less expensive alternative to Ahrefs and SEMrush.

Mangools is a collection of five apps:

KWFinder \sSERPChecker \sSERPWatcher

LinkMiner \sSiteProfiler

After you've registered an account, you'll be able to access your dashboard, where you'll see all five applications available to be utilized, as well as usage restrictions for each tool based on your membership level.

How to Make Use of Mangools SEO (all 5 tools explained)

Please take your time reading the following section.

It's because you'll discover how to maximize the value of your subscription by utilizing Mangools SEO-toolset.

Also, given the tool is made up of five different apps, and I want my Mangools review to be actionable rather than a jumbled mess, I'll go over each one separately.

Take a deep breath, get ready to be blown away by the sea of utility below, and let's go!

KWFinder is number one.

The most well-known Mangools app is KWFinder, a keyword research tool. In fact, most marketers associate "Mangools" with KWFinder and are typically startled to learn that there are four additional apps available.

That was certainly the case with me.

This keyword research tool can be used as follows:

To begin, log onto KWFinder and input your target term, as well as your search location and language.

"Landing page builders" is an example keyword:

The first thing you'll notice when your keyword report loads onto the screen is that KWFinder's reporting interface is extremely user-friendly.

On the left, KWFinder generates a list of related keywords to your target phrase, along with essential metrics for each (search volume, keyword difficulty, trends graph, PPC competition and CPC).

You'll see a bar right above the keyword list where you can choose between Autocomplete mode and Questions mode.

KWFinder will scrape Google autosuggest phrases linked to your target query in the first case.

KWFinder will show you any keywords that comprise your target term AND are also expressed as questions in the latter case.

Finally, you can easily store the keywords you want by checking the box next to each one and adding it to your list.

On the right, your target key is highlighted, along with important information.

First, KWFinder assigns a numerical score to your desired key while displaying its competitiveness.

Following that, you will see a trends graph, which will show you whether the popularity of your chosen keyword is increasing or decreasing.

This is critical information to have so that you don't target a phrase that no one searches for anymore.

The SERPs overview and site rankings in Google are shown below the trends report.

You may also view some important URL-specific stats that you should be aware of if you want to compete in certain SERPS.

The metrics are as follows:

DA – A Moz ranking number that attempts to anticipate the overall domain's link-based authority.

PA — A Moz ranking score that attempts to forecast a page's link-based authority.

Citation Flow displays the "impact" of a ranked URL depending on the amount of links that point to it.

The TF - Trust Flow score indicates the strength of a URL based on the quality of links that lead to that website.

The number of external links that hit the page is reported by EV – External Links. By clicking over the number, you can get a breakdown of the link profile by the number of links, the number of unique referring domains, the number of referring IP addresses, and the number of referring subnets.

FB — The number of Facebook shares as reported by the Facebook API.

The projected strength of the URL is shown by the LPS - Link Profile Strength score. This is a Mangools-specific metric.

ESV – Estimated monthly visitors based on search volume and SERPS position.

Overall, KWFinder is fantastic value for money, and it can help you attract more visitors to your site by itself, which is enough to warrant the $30 price tag.

However, Mangools has four more programs to offer, so let's continue.


#2- SERPChecker

This tool provides you with a better understanding of the SERPs that your page is about to enter.

To utilize it, enter a target keyword into the keyword field:

The SERPChecker results are really useful.

The first thing you notice is the keyword difficulty for the target keyword, as well as the SERPS Features Impact.

What exactly is it?

SERP Advantages Impact is a useful feature that displays how busy the SERP for your chosen term is.

Google has evolved into an answer engine, and some keywords are simply no longer worth pursuing because Google already provides all of the answers.

The SERP Features Impact feature displays which Google features are present on the page.
In the case of our sample search, there are only a few SERP characteristics (Google Ads at the top and bottom, plus PAA boxes), and the keyword is given the thumbs up.

Following that, you may view a list of all ten ranking sites, together with their metrics (DA, PA, CF, TF, LPS, AR, RD, RI, etc.).

I won't go through them again because they are the same metrics I discussed in the KWFinder section above.

Finally, you can use SERPChecker to compare your target URL to the current SERPS. This allows you to clearly identify the authority gap between your page and those that currently rank.
It's hardly a revolutionary tool, but it does make your life as an SEO easier.

Overall, SERPChecker is a good tool that can provide you with a lot of value if you use it.

However, for the most part, I'd skip it because I can already see the SERP overview within the KWFinder dashboard and plan my ranking strategy appropriately.

That's why it's always a good idea to manually check SERPs.

Normally, you'd need to open one tab for SERPChecker and another for Google to do so, but with this tool, you can get a live snapshot of the first page without leaving the dashboard.

Simply select the "Snapshot" tab at the top of the page.

3- SERPWatcher

Mangools' rank tracker is SERPWatcher. You may use it to track your rankings and analyze how your SEO efforts are affecting your keyword ranks.

For example, suppose you update the post today and forecast that a freshened up page that's also more optimized and now has additional high quality material will enhance your ranks.

But why guess when you can check?

That is the purpose of SERPWatcher.

To utilize it, first enter a list of terms that you want to track. You can manually enter them or import them from a spreadsheet.

SERPWatcher, as seen in the image above, is a conventional rank tracker, comparable to almost any other product on the market.

You may view your rank, expected traffic, whether your term is trending up or down, search volume, and other information.

On the right, you'll see the Performance Index, which provides a high-level perspective of how all of your keyword ranks are performing.

Your keywords are shown below based on the ranking gains they've experienced.

Very effective for weeding out those where Google appears to like you a lot.

Match those phrases to their host sites, then go update them by providing Google more of what they plainly adore, and watch your results skyrocket.

more of what they obviously enjoy, and see

#4- LinkMiner

Mangools' backlink analysis tool is LinkMiner.

LinkMiner, unlike SEMrush, Moz, and Ahrefs, does not have its own link indices.

Instead, they rely on Majestic SEO for their data.

This is an excellent thing because Majestic SEO is a premium backlink checker that challenges Ahrefs in terms of index size and crawler speed.

Because the data from LinkMiner is copied from Majestic, you gain a lot of value here.

LinkMiner may be used to examine the backlink profiles of entire domains as well as individual pages.

Simply enter your desired URL and watch it work its magic:

more of what they plainly enjoy, and watch your rankings skyrocket.

Once the results are online, you'll be able to see all of the links heading to your site, as well as how LinkMiner/Majestic ranks your site against their unique backlink metrics.

You'll also be able to filter the results based on link status (follow/nofollow) as well as fresh links won and lost.

Finally, each line you see is accompanied by a set of Majestic metrics that may be used to assess its strength.

They are as follows:
Citation Flow (CF) - A score that estimates a page's influence based on how many other sites link to it.
Trust Flow (TF) -A score that predicts the page's power based on the quality of the links referring to it.
EL – Displays the total number of external links that have been directed to that page; FB – Displays the amount of Facebook shares.
Alexa Rank is abbreviated as AR.
HREF – Displays the URL path.
Anchor — The link's anchor text.
LP — The link's estimated link power.

As I mentioned in the introduction, one of the Mangools apps is a waste of time and a bloat to an otherwise excellent collection of SEO tools.

SiteProfiler is the app in question.

SiteProfile "profiles" a site by calculating its total backlink strength and Facebook popularity.

That's all there is to it.

Oh, and you can see the site's top content, which is essential since, if you want to steal content ideas from competitors, you'll want to steal their finest stuff that's proven to work.

The top domains report, on the other hand, is a useful service. It displays the finest sites that link to your target domain, which are sorted by Alexa rank.

This is extremely useful information.


Because if you come across a site with a really strong link profile and backlinks from some of the finest websites in the world, it pays to plug that domain into LinkMiner and then go deeper into their link profile.

It will be well worth your time to figure out how they got those fantastic links.

Overall, SiteProfiler appears to have been created to make up numbers. Having said that, existing consumers have found it to be a welcome addition.

6- Mangools Chrome Extension

Yes, Mangools, like Moz, Ahrefs, and SEMrush, has a Chrome and Firefox extension.

The distinction is that you can use this addon even if you do not have a premium Mangools account.

To begin using this extension, go to your Mangools dashboard and install it.

Second, without opening LinkMiner, navigate to a page you want to inspect, and then click the orange ball (Mangools logo) button in the extension bar.

This will show you the site's backlink profile, as well as the keywords it ranks for and its on-page SEO.

Overall, very useful for quick site and page inspection.

It appeals to me!

Mangools price – Is it good value?
Mangools offers three paid options.

They are as follows:

Mangool Basic - $29.90 per month paid annually, or $49 per month in in monthly installments.
Mangools Premium - $39.90 per month paid annually, or $69 per month in in monthly installments.
Mangools Agency - $79.90 per month paid annually, or $129 per month paid in monthly payments.
All plans have the same set of features, with the only difference being the usage quota assigned to each plan.

Mangools can be purchased in monthly payments or as an annual subscription with a 40% discount.

Mangools Basic is suitable for bloggers searching for a low-cost SEO tool for their small websites.

Mangools Premium is designed for veteran bloggers who understand the intricacies of SEO but cannot afford Ahrefs and SEMrush but still want to undertake comprehensive, all-encompassing SEO.

Mangools Agency is best suited for large SEO businesses with dozens of clients.

Mangools cost is really competitive when compared to higher-end Ahrefs and SEMrush programs, and it gets the job done and clients are satisfied.
The advantages and disadvantages of mangools
My Mangools review is overwhelmingly good, and the reason is straightforward.

Mangools is a high-quality product that is very reasonably priced.

It is, however, flawed in several critical ways, which you will learn about below.


All-in-one SEO toolkit — Mangools appears to be a one-stop shop for all of your SEO requirements. You can literally get this product and manage the SEO portion of your business with ease.
Affordability – The cheapest subscription is $29.90 (paid annually) and includes access to all five applications as well as a reasonable usage quota. However, even the most expensive plan is more than three times less expensive than Ahrefs' high tier plan.
Excellent UX — Mangools' app and dashboard are a joy to use. Very simple, sleek, and user-friendly. Even a complete beginner can learn how to use the tool in 10m or less.
Excellent link index — Link creation is essential for SEO, and LinkMiner and its Majestic-powered index give you the tools you need.


Lack of integration - Mangools' five apps are not integrated, thus when you use Mangools' toolset, you are essentially utilizing five different tools at the same time. This quickly becomes cumbersome and unwieldy.

SiteProfiler — This tool provides the same data as LinkMiner, but in a slightly nicer format. It is, in my opinion, a needless addition to the main four tools.

The free trial quota is severely limited — With Mangools' 10-day free trial, you may only track 10 keywords, perform 5 keyword searches each day, profile three websites, and receive data on 2000 backlink rows. I suppose that's enough to get a taste, but if they decide to double, triple, or quadruple that quota, don't expect me to protest.

Is it worth it to buy Mangools?
My Mangools review is completed.

Is Mangools the right fit for you? The solution is determined by your requirements.

If you are looking for a low-cost SEO tool or one that is particularly user-friendly, Mangools could be ideal for you.

You can conduct keyword research, investigate SERPs, track your rankings, and examine competitor backlinks. It has a robust feature set and an excellent user interface.
It is an excellent value for money and is ideal for novices.

Sure, it misses some of the advanced functionality seen in tools like SEMrush, but it is also significantly less expensive. It also eliminates the issue of being overwhelmed by so many tools. Some of which you may or may not use.

Finally, Mangools stands out as a low-cost alternative to Ahrefs and SEMrush.

Now, I strongly advise you to start a free trial by clicking the link below.

That way, you can get a feel for the platform and ensure it is suitable for your requirements.


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